Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Carrot Cake

Of course I start the thing then realise I'm missing some ingredients. No sultanas so I substituted for half chopped nuts, half cinnamon cranberries. Had no ginger so added some nutmeg and mixed spice and a pinch of luck ;) Think this might be my favourite so far.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Houmous / Hummus

Simple to make. Never buying shop bought houmous again, had no idea it was so easy to make. Followed the recipe but added an extra clove of garlic.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Boozy Christmas Cake

Made these a few weeks ago. Simple recipe, almost too simple. Hmmm might have to eat some just to check it's OK ;) Feeding them with alcohol every few weeks before they get iced.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Vegan Birthday Cake for My Mate Hazel

I used the Victoria Sponge recipe for my cake. First attempt at decorating, so happy enough. Covered cake in buttercream before covering with fondant (You can buy ready made or make your own). I used little icing pens I found in Poundland, anything for an easy life.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Chocolate Cupcakes

I added chocolate chips to mine, which settled near the bottom in a chocolately gooey mess, possibly improving the recipe. Fondant topping has lemon flavouring, just to confuse folk.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Victoria Sponge

I've never had Victoria sponge before so have no way of knowing if it was a success or not. It was firm, springy and syrupy. You could have taken it to the bath, had a wash with it, then had it with a cup of tea. I liked it! The recipe quantities make a hearty big cake.